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Getting started


Install using pip:

pip install contactsoftware-functions

Build your first Function

File structure

A minimal Function implementation consists of three files:

  • environment.yaml describes the environment and the Functions contained in it
  • requirements.txt contains the dependencies of your Functions (usually only contactsoftware-functions)
  • a Python file containing the code of your Functions (feel free to pick a different name)

Here is the complete structure:

  ├── environment.yaml
  └── requirements.txt

Function Code

Start by writing the code for your first Function. As an example we will write a Function that sends released Documents to an ERP system.
from csfunctions import MetaData, Service
from import DocumentReleaseEvent

def send_doc_to_erp(metadata: MetaData, event: DocumentReleaseEvent, service: Service):

While you don't have to use type annotations, it is highly recommended because it enables autocomplete in your IDE and helps you spot mistakes faster. For our example we only need the DocumentReleaseEvent. It contains a list of documents that were released. Typically this will only be a single document, however it is best practices to iterate over all of the documents.
import requests
import json

from csfunctions import MetaData, Service
from import DocumentReleaseEvent

def send_doc_to_erp(metadata: MetaData, event: DocumentReleaseEvent, service: Service):
  # iterate over the documents contained in the event
  for document in
    # create the payload for our (fictional ERP system)
    payload = json.dumps({
      "document_number": document.z_nummer,
      "document_index": document.z_index,
      "document_title": document.titel
    res ="", data=payload)
    if res.status_code != 200:
      return ValueError(f"Failed to upload document to ERP. Got response code {res.status_code}")

Here we send a payload, containing a few attributes from the released document, to This is just for illustration purposes! Please refer to the documentation of your ERP system on how the request needs to be formatted and which endpoint and credentials to use.

Register the Function

The Function needs to be registered in the environment.yaml:

runtime: python3.10
version: v1
  - name: send_doc_to_erp
    entrypoint: mymodule.send_doc_to_erp

You can add as many functions to the list as you like. The function name can be picked freely and doesn't have to match the name of your Python method (although it is recommended that it does). The name will be used to identify the Function in you CIM Database Cloud instance. The entrypoint needs to be the import path of your Python function.


Lastly define your codes dependencies in the requirements.txt:

contactsoftware-functions will always need to be in the requirements.txt unless you register your own main_entrypoint (see Python runtime).

Deploy the Code

To deploy the Code you first need to install the contactsoftware-functions-client and retrieve developer credentials in the CONTACT Portal.

Install client:

pip install contactsoftware-functions-client


cfc login

Create a new environment:

cfc env create myenv

Upload code into new environment:

cfc env deploy myenv

Test the Function

To test your Function you need to connect the Function to an event in your CIM Database Cloud instance. Please refer to the Webhooks CIM Database Cloud documentation on how to do that.