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Attribute Type Description
baugruppe str | None Assembly
b_index str | None Assembly Index
component_materialnr_erp str | None Material Number ERP Component
netto_durchm float | None Net. Diameter
netto_hoehe float | None Net. Height
netto_laenge float | None Net. Length
netto_breite float | None Net. Width
position int | None Position
menge float | None Quantity
stlbemerkung str | None Remarks
mengeneinheit str | None Unit of Measure
teilenummer str part number
t_index str part index



Briefcases are used by Workflows and can contain parts, documents or engineering changes.

Attribute Type Description
cdb_object_id str Briefcase ID
name str | None Briefcase Name
part_ids list[str] List of part IDs in this Briefcase. (teilenummer@t_index)
document_ids list[str] List of document IDs in this Briefcase. (z_nummer@z_index)
engineering_change_ids list[str] List of engineering change IDs in this Briefcase. (cdb_ec_id)
parts list[Part]
documents list[Document]
engineering_changes list[EngineeringChange]



Normal Document that doesn't contain a CAD-Model.

Attribute Type Description
z_nummer str document number
z_index str index
titel str | None title
category1_name_en str | None Main Category
category1_name_de str | None Main Category
category2_name_en str | None Category
category2_name_de str | None Category
z_categ1 str | None Main Category
z_categ2 str | None Category
cdb_obsolete int | None Obsolete
z_status int Status Number
z_status_txt str Status Text
autoren str | None Authors, comma separated
z_bereich str | None Department.
z_language str | None language
keywords str | None Keywords
z_bemerkung str | None Remarks
joined_status_name str | None Status
erzeug_system str | None Program that created the document
cdb_lock str | None User that locked the document.
mapped_cdb_lock_name str | None Username that locked the document.
ce_valid_from date | datetime | None Effective from
ce_valid_to date | datetime | None Effective to
cdb_ec_id str | None Engineering Change ID
ursprungs_z str | None Origin
teilenummer str | None Part No.
t_index str | None Part Index
cdb_project_id str | None Project No.
project_name str | None Project Name
src_name str | None Source
src_cdate datetime | None Source created on
src_rdate datetime | None Source received on
src_number str | None Original No.
src_index str | None Original Index
src_fname str | None Original Filename
source_oid str | None Based on Template
cdb_cpersno str | None Created by
mapped_cdb_cpersno_name str | None Created by
cdb_cdate datetime | None Created on
cdb_mpersno str | None Last Modified by
mapped_cdb_mpersno_name str | None Last Modified by
cdb_mdate datetime | None Last Modified on
cdb_m2persno str | None File Last Saved by
mapped_cdb_m2persno_name str | None File Last Saved by
cdb_m2date datetime | None File Last Saved on
z_art str | None Document Type
mapped_materialnr_erp str | None Materialnumber ERP
cdb_object_id str | None Object ID
files list[File] Files attached to the document
part typing.Optional[Part]



Attribute Type Description
cdb_ec_id str Engineering Change ID
cdb_project_id str | None Project ID
ec_state str
end_time_plan datetime | None Planned end time
status int Status
title str | None Title
template_ec_id str | None Template ID
cdb_object_id str | None Object ID
c_department str | None Department
c_description str | None Description
c_event str | None Event
c_reason str | None Reason
c_source str | None Source
category str | None Category
part_ids list[str] List of part IDs, that were changed. (teilenummer@t_index)
document_ids list[str] List of document IDs, that were changed. (z_nummer@z_index)
planned_changes_part_ids list[str] List of part IDs, that were planned to be changed. (teilenummer@t_index)
planned_changes_document_ids list[str] List of document IDs, that were planned to be changed. (z_nummer@z_index)
accompanying_document_ids list[str] List of document IDs, that accompany the change. (z_nummer@z_index)
parts list[Part]
documents list[Document]
planned_changes_parts list[Part]
planned_changes_documents list[Document]
accompanying_documents list[Document]
cdb_cpersno str | None Created by
cdb_cdate datetime | None Created on
cdb_mpersno str Last Modified by
cdb_mdate datetime | None Last Modified on



Attribute Type Description
cdb_object_id str ID
cdbf_name str | None file name
cdbf_type str | None file type
cdb_cpersno str | None Created by
mapped_cdb_cpersno_name str | None Created by
cdb_cdate datetime | None Created on
cdb_mpersno str | None Last Modified by
mapped_cdb_mpersno_name str | None Last Modified by
cdb_mdate datetime | None Last Modified on
blob_url str | None Presigned Blob URL



Attribute Type Description
cdb_object_id str | None Object ID
material_index str | None Material Index
material_id str | None Material ID
name_de str | None Name DE
name_en str | None Name EN



An objects property, used by classification.

Attribute Type Description
ref_object_id str Referenced Object
boolean_value int | None Boolean Value
datetime_value datetime | None Datetime Value
float_value float | None Float Value
float_value_normalized float | None Float Value Normalized
integer_value int | None Integer Value
iso_language_code str | None ISO Language Code
value_pos int | None Position
property_code str | None Property Code
property_path str | None Property Path
property_type str | None Property Type
range_identifier str | None Range ID
text_value str | None Text



Attribute Type Description
teilenummer str part number
t_index str part index
status int Status Number
materialnr_erp str | None Material No. (ERP)
benennung str | None Name
eng_benennung str | None Name
benennung2 str | None Additional Name
t_kategorie_name_de str | None Category Name
t_kategorie_name_en str | None Category Name
cdb_t_project_id str | None Project ID
t_bereich str | None Department
cdb_t_ec_id str | None Engineering Change ID
item_maturity int | None Maturity Level
gebrauchsstand_name_de str | None Usage Status
gebrauchsstand_name_en str | None Usage Status
ce_valid_from date | datetime | None Effective from
ce_valid_to date | datetime | None Effective to
mengeneinheit_name_de str | None Quantity Unit
mengeneinheit_name_en str | None Quantity Unit
st_gewicht typing.Optional[float] Weight (kg)
material_object_id str | None Material ID
surface_name_en str | None Surface
surface_name_de str | None Surface
techdaten str | None Engineering Data
cssaas_mirrored_from str | None Mirror Part ID
t_ersatz_fuer str | None Replacement for
t_ersatz_durch str | None Replaced by
din str | None Norms
bemerkung str | None Remarks
cdb_copy_of_item_id str | None Copy of ID
type_object_id str | None BOM Type ID
cdb_depends_on str | None Derived from
site_object_id str | None Plant
cssaas_frame_add_attr_1 str | None Additional Attribute 1
cssaas_frame_add_attr_2 str | None Additional Attribute 2
cssaas_frame_add_attr_3 str | None Additional Attribute 3
cssaas_frame_add_attr_4 str | None Additional Attribute 4
cssaas_frame_add_attr_5 str | None Additional Attribute 5
cdb_cpersno str | None Created by
cdb_cpersno_name str | None Created by
cdb_cdate datetime | None Created on
cdb_mpersno str | None Last Modified by
cdb_mpersno_name str | None Last Modified by
cdb_mdate datetime | None Last Modified on
cdb_m2persno str | None File Last Saved by
cdb_m2persno_name str | None File Last Saved by
cdb_m2date datetime | None File Last Saved on
st_durchmesser float | None Diameter
st_laenge float | None Length
st_hoehe float | None Height
cdb_object_id str | None Object ID
site_erp str | None Plant
fertart str | None Production Type
t_pruef_datum datetime | None Release Date
oberflaeche str | None Surface
mengeneinheit str | None Unit of Measure
gebrauchsstand str | None Usability
st_breite float | None Width
document_ids list[str] List of document IDs, that were changed. (z_nummer@z_index)
documents list[Document]



Attribute Type Description
cdb_process_id str Workflow ID
title str | None Title
started_at datetime | None Date when the workflow was started.
started_by str | None ID of the user who started the workflow.
local_briefcase_ids list[str] List of local briefcase ids (cdb_object_id)
global_briefcase_ids list[str] List of global briefcase ids (cdb_object_id)
local_briefcases list[Briefcase]
global_briefcases list[Briefcase]